Best Korean Craft Beer Spots for Fall

Enjoy the fall locations for Korean craft beer. In this post, we share the best places for fall colors and cool brews. Autumn in South Korea Autumn is the best season in Korea. The season is marked by pleasant weather with high clouds and low pollution. The rice fields and other crops will be harvested, … Read more

Detailed Information Regarding the Korean Expressway and HiPass System

Unfamiliar with the Korean expressway and HiPass system? We’ve got your covered. Making the most of your stay in Korea means taking advantage of every opportunity to travel.  For most trips that are over 2 hours away, OR when driving into Seoul, you may encounter at least one toll along the way. Setting up a HiPass … Read more

Everything You Need to Fall in Love with Namhae

Not enough information exists on the magic that is Namhae-gun. Hopefully, this blog puts Namhae-gun South Korea on your travel list this year. About Namhae-gun Namhae is a county in South Gyeongsang Province with a mostly aging community. The county is a great place to visit if you’re trying to “get off the grid” and/or … Read more

Traditional South Korean Breakfast

Would you like to step out of your bacon and eggs breakfast routine and try something new? Join us in exploring Korea’s tradition of dinner for breakfast. It’s a delicious and filling way to start the day. Breakfast in South Korea Breakfast looks different around the world. In South Korea breakfast may consist of soup, … Read more

Dive Deeper into South Korean Buddhist Culture with a Temple Stay

Roaming the open grounds of a sacred temple during an afternoon offers a short respite from the chaos of everyday life. But for a more grounding, immersive experience, consider a Korean temple stay. Listen to the BlogCast Don’t want to read? Listen to the South of Seoul BlogCast which provides accessible content through the use … Read more